- was a nature and art project carried out during spring of 2018 in Maylandskoven by Jette Mellgren, in collaboration with Odense Aftenskole.
It involved pupils from Næsby Skole, Kroggårdsskolen, Special Ed classes from Odense, nature guide Rikke Molin, and performing artists Hannah Streefkerk, Gerger Ståhlgren, Magnus Mellgren, Jan Johansen and Jette Mellgren.
The idea of the project was to work with our perception of nature and create an awareness of the forest, its life and conditions. The pupils gained an understanding about nature, and we were idea-makers for how we can use the forest in a simple, imaginative and enjoyable way.
Together with the artists the students created small and large works using the elements of the forest. The works helped to ‘enlarge, frame and put nature under the microscope’, so that we could experience nature in a new way, be amazed and change our experience of and in nature.
The project is supported by Odense Kommune and Kulturministeriets Folkeoplysningspulje